About Duke Beardsley
Fifth generation Coloradan Duke Beardsley has been drawing and painting the American west for as long as he can remember. Raised both in Denver, and on a 1000 acre cattle ranch in eastern Colorado, Duke's "dual/duel" upbringing is the foundation for his unique blend of traditional western iconography and modern art sensibilities. An unapologetic fan of all "things cowboy" Duke spends as much time on horseback as possible, joining his many friends and family on some of the West's great ranches. Duke rides with the crews to participate and observe todays working cowboys and cowgirls in their element. Formally trained at The Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Duke now lives and works with his wife and two daughters in Denver.
The Collection
"In the push and pull of the endless debate "who owns the legacy of the west?" it occurred to me several years ago that despite the lore, legend, and iconography of the west's many HUMAN characters, the REAL owners of the legacy are THE PLANTS that have grown here for millennia. I have ridden, hiked, pedaled, paddled and fished my way over, through, past and alongside these hearty denizens of the American West my entire life. And only occasionally have I ever really stopped to consider them... their beauty. Their tenacity. Their savagery. Their necessity. Their plight. Yucca, Chamisa, Sage and Prickly Pear are as much a part of my western identity as horses, drought, vast skies and the Rocky Mountains. They're the true westerners!"
- Duke Beardsley